Yembo Survey FAQ

Questions you might have when completing a Yembo survey

Marla Hjalmarson avatar
Written by Marla Hjalmarson
Updated over a week ago

How do I record?

Is this accurate?

Yes! Independent research has shown that this is just as accurate as an in-home survey.

What happens when I finish?

When you submit your survey, the moving company you're working with will be notified that your videos are ready for final review and will be in touch with you!

What should I do if I get stuck?

If you get stuck, you can reach out to the person from the moving company that you've been working with. Or, you can keep reading this article and see there are any solutions here that will help. 😊

Who sees my videos?

Yembo uses bank-level security to protect your home. Only the moving company you're working with has access to your videos.

It isn't letting me record videos.

If you're getting a blank screen and you aren't able to record anything, you might need to enable camera permission for your browser.

This article shows you how to enable your camera with either an iPhone or Android device. (Note: You can only use Safari to record with an iPhone; Apple doesn't allow recording in other browsers.)

If the above doesn't work, use your phone's built-in camera instead (the question below).

Why won't it let me upload any more videos?

If you have received a message like the one below, it means that there are rooms you have already recorded that are still uploading.

This typically happens when the internet connection on your mobile device is not strong. We recommend you check the internet connection on your cell phone, or connect to wifi, if available.

If you live in an area that doesn't have strong cell service and you aren't able to connect to wifi, you can always take the videos directly on your phone's native camera and then upload them by clicking the "Upload" button when you get somewhere with a better connection. See below for more on how to take videos on your phone!

Can I record videos with my phone's camera instead?

Yes, if you'd like to record on your phone's native camera you can do so and then upload them by clicking "upload video":

Can I re-record my video?

Yes, you can re-record a room before you submit your videos. Navigate back to the room you want to record and click the Redo button:

How long should my videos be?

Videos should be no longer than one minute in length. The ideal video is between 15 and 30 seconds.

How will the movers know which items aren't moving?

You can either say out loud which items aren't moving as you record the video, or you can note those items in the Items Not Moving section here:

What are Crating Dimensions?

We may suggest putting certain high-value or fragile items, like a glass table top, in a protective crate. For any items you may think require this service, you can write down the length x height x width dimensions.

Why can't I join my Smart Consult session?

If you receive a message like the one below, it means that your browser isn't supported.

If you are on a browser that we do not support, you would need to download Google Chrome for the best experience using Yembo. If you don’t have it installed, download Chrome here.

Happy recording!

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